Induction Schedule – Exchange Students

Induction Schedule Exchange Students | Business and Law |
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information below is correct at the time of publication; there may be instances, however, where last minute changes have to be made.
Useful Links Blackboard is where you will find learning material as well as a variety of useful faculty information. To Log onto Blackboard, you would need to have completed your DMU registration. Your DMU Future – student FAQS: BAL Faculty Induction Hub · From listening to feedback and past student voices, we recognise that there is often a lot to take in during your induction week, which is why we have curated a number of useful resources and information for you under the BAL Faculty Induction Hub. · The Hub will be available for several weeks after induction so keep revisiting in case you have forgotten something or just need some information. Don’t feel under pressure to remember each and every detail or bit of information. Freshers and induction weeks are a once in a lifetime experience so just enjoy them, experience new things and situations and get to know others in your BAL student community. · Link: BAL Faculty Induction Hub IT Welcome Induction Hub • All the support information and videos introducing you to the key software and systems you will need at DMU: MyDMU, MS Teams, Blackboard, DMU Replay, Turnitin, MS365 Office and accessing software. • Link: Digital Skills & IT Support The activities within the schedule below have been designed to prepare you for your studies, university life and getting to know your student community group; and will be delivered through the following modes: In person events, Online via a LIVE session in Blackboard Collaborate or Microsoft Teams, or by means of a Pre-recorded Video or podcast. |
Time | Activity | Delivery |
Monday 27th September 2021: Theme – Making Friends and Networking |
14:00pm – 15:00pm | Programme welcome (compulsory event) A group meeting with all the students in your programme community and programme leader. A chance to receive essential information about support in the faculty and your learning. | In Person Building: Hugh Aston Building Room: HU2.09 |
Faculty welcome. The BAL faculty senior leadership welcoming youto our BAL student’s community. | Availability: The BAL Induction Hub from 09:00AM on the day Link: Click here | |
The BALcast, a lunchtime limited series podcast episode 1: …On Making Friends and Networking University life is not just about lectures, assessments and overnight cramming. We believe it should also be about making friends and forming networks that will lift and support you whilst at DMU and beyond. Making friends has lots of benefits, which include a greater sense of belonging and community, better wellbeing and less stress, academic motivation and of course relaxation opportunities. | Availability: The BAL Induction Hub from 1:.00PM on the day Link: Click here | |
Meeting with your Personal Tutor 1 (compulsory event). A group meeting with Personal Tutor and fellow tutees. It is an important meeting which will help you to begin to build relationships. Your Personal Tutor will also let you know about the support systems in place here at DMU as well as your engagement as part of your new BAL community. | In person – attend according to your allocated group (check your emails to find out which group you have been allocated to), then you would need to click on the link below to find out when and where you need to attend: ASK BAL – Personal Tutors |
Tuesday 28th September 2021: Theme – Wellbeing and Mindfulness |
Meeting with your Personal Tutor 1 (compulsory event). A group meeting with Personal Tutor and fellow tutees. It is an important meeting which will help you to begin to build relationships. Your Personal Tutor will also let you know about the support systems in place here at DMU as well as your engagement as part of your new BAL community. | In person – attend according to your allocated group (check your emails to find out which group you have been allocated to), then you would need to click on the link below to find out when and where you need to attend: ASK BAL – Personal Tutors | |
The BALcast, a lunchtime limited series podcast episode 2: …On Wellbeing and Mindfulness Your wellbeing is important not just to yourself but to us as a faculty. That’s because it has significant bearings on your student experience especially in terms of being able to learn, thrive, grow as a person and build positive supportive relationships. Quite certainly better health and wellbeing generally results in higher engagement and grades. | Availability: The BAL Induction Hub from 13:00PM on the day Link: Click here | |
11.30AM – 14.30PM | BAL Induction Fair The BAL induction fair is a great opportunity to meet face to face with colleagues from various other parts of the University and our faculty. Come along to get informed about some of our great initiatives. Questions as always will be welcome. | Hugh Aston Building – Atrium |
15.30PM– 16.30PM | Your DMU Library and IT Welcome for students with disability Get an introduction to Library and Learning Services for students with disability: the resources, academic skills development and support available to you; together with an introduction to the IT you are going to need for your studies: MyDMU, MS Teams, Blackboard, DMU Replay, Turnitin, MS365 Office and accessing software from home. | MS Teams (Live session) Link: Click here to join |
Wednesday 29th September 2021: Theme – Resilience and Self-care |
Meeting with your Personal Tutor 2 (compulsory event). A second group meeting with your Personal Tutor and fellow tutees. This will serve as a useful catch-up and check on how you are getting on so far as well as a debrief of the fun activity from earlier in the week. Prize winners from that activity will be announced too. | In person – attend according to your allocated group (check your emails to find out which group you have been allocated to), then you would need to click on the link below to find out when and where you need to attend: ASK BAL – Personal Tutors | |
The BALcast, a lunchtime limited series podcast episode 3: …On Resilience and Self-care We recognise that your new life at DMU will not always be smooth sailing. There will be times when things aren’t working well, for example, because you haven’t got what you expected in an assessment. Building resilience not only equips you with an ability to cope with such disappointments, difficulties and challenges but also helps to build your character. That’s something increasingly valued by employers. | Availability: The BAL Induction Hub from 13:00PM on the day Link: Click here | |
12.00PM – 13.00PM | Your DMU Library and IT Welcome Get an introduction to Library and Learning Services: the resources, academic skills development and support available to you; together with an introduction to the IT you are going to need for your studies: MyDMU, MS Teams, Blackboard, DMU Replay, Turnitin, MS365 Office and accessing software from home. | MS Teams (Live session) Link: Click here to join |
Thursday 30th September 2021: Theme – Time and Stress management |
Meeting with your Personal Tutor 2 (compulsory event). A second group meeting with your Personal Tutor and fellow tutees. This will serve as a useful catch-up and check on how you are getting on so far as well as a debrief of the fun activity from earlier in the week. Prize winners from that activity will be announced too. | In person – attend according to your allocated group (check your emails to find out which group you have been allocated to), then you would need to click on the link below to find out when and where you need to attend: ASK BAL – Personal Tutors | |
The BALcast, a lunchtime limited series podcast episode 4: …On Time and Stress management As a student one of your challenges will be to balance your university activities and daily life in such a way that you have good grades and a fulfilling social/personal life. Good time management is one of the key factors in doing that, and reducing stress. However, it can also often be a challenge despite the fact that planning one’s time is an obvious solution. The good news is that there are strategies and tips available to help with this challenge, and the stress poor time management can cause. | Availability: The BAL Induction Hub from 13:00PM on the day Link: Click here |
Friday 1st October 2021: Theme – Ready, Set …starting your DMU Uni academic life |
11.00AM – 12.00PM | Ready, Set…‘I wish I knew this last year’ Student-Led Session (compulsory) After a week full of new places, people, situations and connections in your new house communities, we wanted you to make connections with others in the wider BAL community. The ‘I wish I knew this last year’ student led session will thus allow you to connect with second and third year students. You can ask them questions about their experiences starting our DMU Uni academic life, tips on doing well throughout the year and for a mentor during your first year. Hopefully that will ease any anxieties or worries before you start on Monday. | MS Teams (Live session) Link: Click here to join |
The BALcast, a lunchtime limited series podcast episode 5: …On The BAL Student Advice Centre Our student advice centre will be your main point of contact for information about your timetable, university procedures, forms and many of the issues you will face or may be unsure or uncertain about throughout your years with us. This resource will be about the usefulness of our excellent SAC as well as our Assistance Support and Knowledge centre – ASK BAL @ Student Advice virtual services and support. | Availability: The BAL Induction Hub from 13:00PM on the day Link: Click here |
Monday 4th October 2021 (start of term): Theme – …Go |
Your personal timetable will be available to view on myDMU ( no later than Friday 1st October. |