Give a Grad a Go
A graduate recruitment company will be giving a talk to the Faculty on Thursday 11-12 about virtual CV and interview tips.
“Give A Grad A Go is a graduate, recruitment, jobs and early-career talent community. We have so far helped over 4,000 candidates find graduate jobs at 800+ of the UK’s most exciting companies in the UK. Some of those being De Montfort University students who we have helped into roles such as Digital Graduate Roles, roles in the FinTech industry and Marketing Graduate Schemes, just in the past few months.
Give A Grad A Go reads a lot of CV’s and prepares all our candidates for their interviews, so we know a thing or two about what makes a great graduate CV & how to excel in an Interview. Key Account Manager Samuel Hickson and Communications and Partnership Executive Katie Clough are excited to join you and share their insider secrets of how to brush up your CV & Interview skills and get your dream graduate job.
Join us on zoom on Thursday 4th March at 11:00:
We look forward to helping you on your graduate career journey”